Foggy sunday afternoon
Dupa cum povesteam, in ziua a 3-a un nor de joasa altitudine a cuprins intrega zona din sud intr-un val de ceata. La intoarcere am oprit din nou pe malul lagunei Jokulsarlon si dupa cum credeam, fata de noaptea precedenta ,acum se umpluse totul de turisti. Iar combinatia de lumina, gheata, ceata si oameni au creata un spectacol vizual rar, suprarealist si mai ales absolut fotografic.
Sony NEX-5
I’m gonna write a little “subjective review” regarding this little toy. Thing is I got tired of missing shots just because I cannot carry my camera with me. It’s just too big ! So I had to find myself a dslr-like camera with a large sensor and interchangeable lens. And only choice was between the nex-3 or 5 and a micro four thirds camera (but the sensor is too small for my taste). Here are a couple of shots made in the first day of tests using the 18-55 kit lens (until I will buy a prime). Anyway, first impressions are good.Read More