There is no spoon
Literally .For 2 months now I have no spoon in the whole house. I either forget or I’m to lazy to buy and it makes things rather difficult for me., especially regarding eating.
Now what was I saying ? Oh yeah, pigeons in Istanbul . Lots of them.
The bad birds
And this would also be my first upload of something filmed with the 5d :). This being my first please don’t criticize too much and forgive the badly chosen music 🙂
So I was walking in the middle of the nowhere when I see these beautiful, hawk-like birds sitting on the ground. As soon as I got a little closer they took off and attacked me (or at least tried to scare me off ).
Histria, forgotten land
9 dimineata, ma trezesc si ma hotoarasc iar brusc sa plec sa fac niste poze. Deschid repede Google earth si imi aduc aminte de niste formatiuni ciudate pe care le vazusem in zona lacului Sinoe. Zis si facut. De mentionat ca acolo se ajunge mai usor decat in Constanta, drumul fiind la fel de lung insa lipsit de traficul infernal de vara. Deci, dupa vreo 2 ore si jumatate, incep sa ma apropii. Pe drum, in stanga si in dreapta sate obisnuite cu oameni obisnuiti.