Tuscany, Cinque Terre
Am petrecut 7 zile in zona Toscana, Italia.
Una peste alta a fost frumos iar oameni mi s-au parut mult mai prietenosi si ok decat in zona Romei (de care am ramas profund dezamagit). Evident si peisajele au fost pe masura.
Am inchiriat din Pisa o masina (surprinzator de ieftin fata de alte locuri), m-am revazut cu prieteni mai vechi si am stat noptile in Sienna, Poggibonsi si La Spezia. Primele doua se gasesc in Toscana si nu sunt foarte multe de spus ce nu s-a spus prin mii de fotografii asa cum o sa spun si eu in unele posturi ce urmeaza. La Spezia insa se afla in vecinatatea rezervatiei Cinque Terre, o mica zona de coasta la Marea Mediterana formata din 5 orasele (satuce) superbe si foarte linistite. Cele 5 fac parte din patrimoniul Unesco si desi sunt destul de pline de turisti sunt pastrate impecabil si nici nu au aerul ala claustrofob si imbaxit asa cum sunt obisnuit. Apa e calda chiar si acum iar in Manarola de exemplu se gasesc niste stanci numai bune pentru sarit. In sate sunt destule restaurante cu mancare buna si relativ ieftina iar colinele din jur pe care se pot strabate trasee (foarte similare cu cele montane) sunt pline de livezi de maslini si vii. Pentru un timp am putut sa uit de ale mele probleme si ganduri, sau daca nu sa uit macar sa le privesc mai detasat, aproape resemnat.
An old elephant like feeling
This is me. I weigh 80 kg, I’m 1.82 meters tall, 28 years old yet only alive for 4. I have birthmarks on my right hand and a scar on my face from when a dog bit me long time ago. For one year I have been wearing long unattended hair and before that short shaved. People who don’t really know me would label me as introverted depressed person with weird habits . Those who do would say I am somehow bipolar, jumping from a state of complete and utter depression to one over-extroverted. I usually don’t get out of my boring daily routine but when I do, I do it all the way. When something new comes along my path I take my chance with it. I am usually very open minded about anything and like to put people in situation where I challenge their predefined patterns of thinking about taboo subjects. I like to argue . I like drugs and never say no to them .They played a crucial part in my life with the new perspectives and viewpoints they brought. I like music. I like the girl I love, and I know in my heart that there is a high chance when she will be gone forever beyond hope I will die. I spend my nights thinking about that and about perspectives but find none. I like and do a lot of things, I make enough money and one without knowing would otherwise say I have nothing to complain about. They would be wrong.Read More
That place in time
Calm yourself, old boy. Breathe in. Breathe out. Find the reason. Remember. Retrace.
Follow your footsteps in the past. See them fade away, changing shape and pace as if they constantly belonged to someone else. They did. You died a long time ago, you have died many times and you’ve been reborn as many. You woke up today a stranger from the world and from yourself.Read More
After dusk
There is a place I know behind the Sun. It’s the place where we can start again.
One road that leads to it, paved with remains of today and the ashes of tomorrow . It’s my road alone to walk.Read More
Zandvoort, sunset (1)
Near Amsterdam. One of the most beautiful sea views I have seen so far. The sunset reminded me of Iceland because it takes so long.Read More
Blowing some steam
Beneath this steaming ground lies the great ring of fire. There is boiling water coming out and the area is closed to public.Read More
Besides the new layout and functionality, upon requests I added a wallpapers category that you can access from the top menu. You can download them for the most common screen resolutions and use them for non commercial purposes, without removing the watermark. Here are the first 3, from Iceland:Read More
The wild north
Ok, I removed the teaser post on the reason of being too “fitos” 🙂 . So, here starts the photo series from my 8 days trip to Iceland. The most beautiful, wildest and natural place I have ever seen. No word can describe the feeling of being there, witness to something probably very similar to what the world looked like millions of years ago. But I’ll come back to writing another time.
Here is lake Jökulsárlón, the biggest glacial lake in Iceland, a recent one that came with the fast melting of the Vatnajökull glacier, and still growing in size. The ice comes sliding from the mountains (you can see the river of ice in the first picture, in the background), onto the lake and then the ocean. One of the most beautiful sights on earth, especially on sunset. Like I said, the sun didn’t actually set, being a polar day, it just went a little bit under the horizon.
under fiery skies
Ok, we had our fun with the “elephant man”, now it’s back to business. Paris, Louvre.