8 of march 2010. A once in a lifetime experience for Barcelona people and even more unique for me being there at the right time, as this was the only time it really snowed in 25 years. Most people there never saw snow, and for the kids in the streets it was like heaven. In fact everyone became a little kid seeing that view and all were either playing, talking on the phone about it or taking pictures. On the bad side they say that the city was in complete collapse that day (you know, the kind of collapse you see in Bucharest the whole winter when it snows). Costa Brava however was devastated. 4 days after I booked a hotel in Plaja d’aro but when I got there it was a disaster. Palm trees were scattered on the roads and when I got to the hotel I was welcomed with a candle and an extra set of blankets as there was no electricity since the storm.
whoa, ultima parca e scoasa din Crysis!
Am mutat-o prima, si o sa mai pun cu palmieri inghetati.
Prima oricum e Crysis pe fata. A dat Aurel printscreen ca sa nu mai stea sa faca poze 😀
Foarte haiosa, si potrivita, numarul 5 (cea cu tipul la fereastra, privind la ninsoare si vorbind la telefon).
Studioul nostru de aici are geamuri de sus pana jos, panoramice, si in ziua cand a nins o mare parte din cei din studio au stat lipiti de geamuri uitandu-se la fulgi, pierduti in imagine. Cei care locuiesc in afara Barcelonei, sau pe dealurile de prin prejur, mai vazusera o ninsoare, doua de-a lungul vietii lor, insa nici una atat de… serioasa (a nins de dimineata pana seara, si s-a oprit odata cu venirea noptii). O tipa, din Portugalia de felul ei, era complet fascinata – era prima ei ninsoare.
Ai vreo poza cu Tibidabo a doua zi? Aerul si cerul erau curate, soarele incepuse sa se iteasca insa Tibidabo-ul se vedea alb complet printre cladiri. O imagine tare puternica.
You exaggerate. It does snow in Barcelona every 2-3 years. Last weekend we just got another one (http://fotometeo.ame-web.org/displayimage.php?pid=2880). The snowstorm of 2010 was particularly intense, but there’s been worst ones. And regarding the “most people never saw snow”… well, you know how close in Barcelona to the Pyrenees, don’t you?