A world of ash
Aceste 3 fotografii (dintre care una doar reprocesata) sunt de acum mai bine de 2 ani, din Islanda. Va amintiti norul acela de cenusa vulcanica ce a blocat intregul trafic aerian din Europa ? El e. Iar intregul peisaj ce se forma in urma lui era parca o serie de imagini din “the Road”. Goale, gri, lipsite de viata si de vizibilitate, lipsite de oxigen si lumina directa a soarelui. Ca un nor mare de ceata format din miliarde de granule de nisip fin, uscat, intepator la gust. Fiecare fotografie facuta in afara masinii a fost facuta in 5-10 secunde, rapid, fara respiratie si chiar si asa ajunsesem gri cu totul si cu narile si ochii plini de cenusa. 1 an dupa asta si obiectivele de la aparat inca nu au scapat de huruiala datorata prafului din ele.
Ashes to ashes
So the second day at the volcano (oh yeah, I have the habit of being non-coherent regarding date and posts order) I woke up in the car to a beautiful sunrise directly in the volcano cloud. The ground was shaking and I could hear the rumble of the mountain in the distance. The view was nothing short of amazing. Since the previous day I did get behind the mountain offroad and there was no lava or even steam coming from the crater I taught I’l follow the trail of ash that was heading south-east, towards the little town of Vik, 70km away. Vik is a beautiful town in the far south of the island that I have some photos from last time I was there (the ones with a black beach and big waves). Also a very nice place to try to spot the cute puffins that are so hard to find. And that was the plan to do when I get there, however things were a little differend from last time.Read More