Winter portraits
These are more like vacation photos, but came out ok enogh. I’m surprized my camera made it without a problem in all that snow and freezing temperatures.
After this, back to landscapes 🙂
Cheers to the guys in the photos and the ones that did’t make it on the site 🙂 . Happy new year. And stop looking at the camera 🙂Read More
New year post.
Berlin new year. What can I say, I was expecting something completely different than this.
First of all the city is incredibly dangerous on new year . Every skinhead getting drunk and aggressive for no reason. The good thing is that police is everywhere and that saved me a couple of times not getting beaten or robbed.
Not to mention the fact that 20 minutes before 0:00 the Brandenburg Gate area got so crowded that we literally almost got killed in a stampede . Judging by the number of ambulances afterwards some people really got hurt, and we had to celebrate new year separated in the chaos. From what I have read on the internet, this was supposed to be the biggest open air party in the whole world, with more than a million people gathering at the gate. To me it was just chaos, cold (more cold than I have ever experienced anywhere) and a lot of firecrackers thrown everywhere with no judgment. All in all it was very interesting to see such thing, but I wouldn’t recommend it unless you don’t care too much for your safety .
The new year in Amsterdam, even if the sheer amount of firewarks and crackers was 10 times as big, it was fun, everyone was high (compared to drunk here) and there was a sense of safety that made me enjoy it very much. I will probably go there again.
Primordial ground
Undeva pe langa un mic orasel din Germania numit Leipzig zace un loc uitat de lume, parca aflat la inceputul timpului, cand viata abia incepea sa isi faca apritia sub forma unor microorganisme intr-o supa chimica, sau la finalul lui, cand asta e tot ce a mai ramas. Ceea ce vedeti in imaginile de mai jos reprezinta o fosta exploatare miniera in zona unui orasel german numit Leipzig, o rana adanca lasata in voia pamantului, sa isi adunse sevele si sa o vindece in sute de ani. Gropile din pamant au fost umplute de apa, ce s-a amestecat cu carbunele dand o culoare rosie suprarealista intregului peisaj. Privelistea e o cuprinsa de o liniste incredibila, neexistant picior de om sau animal pe kilometri intregi.