In Bruges
Since the last few weeks and especially this week the traffic from Belgium has surpassed the one from Romania (I’d really like to know why) maybe it’s a good time for this post.
So ever since I watched the movie I had this big urge to visit Belgium’s best preserved medieval town. It wasn’t that the movie tried to make a big impression of it (in fact if you follow the dialogues it’s the other way around), however the directing and soundtrack made sure it stayed in your head forever. So since I didn’t have many options on flights returning from Iceland I had to get a Wizz Air (btw I will never ever fly this airline again) from Bruxelles 2 days after I arrived in Koln. And my best option was to spend these days in this town that I always wanted to visit.
Bruges was beautiful. Peaceful, old, romantic in some way but commercial in another.A lot of chocolate in different shapes and sizes some of theme really obscene :). It even had the swans like the movie said. And Alcoves. That was the right word.. Alcoves?
The wild north
Ok, I removed the teaser post on the reason of being too “fitos” 🙂 . So, here starts the photo series from my 8 days trip to Iceland. The most beautiful, wildest and natural place I have ever seen. No word can describe the feeling of being there, witness to something probably very similar to what the world looked like millions of years ago. But I’ll come back to writing another time.
Here is lake Jökulsárlón, the biggest glacial lake in Iceland, a recent one that came with the fast melting of the Vatnajökull glacier, and still growing in size. The ice comes sliding from the mountains (you can see the river of ice in the first picture, in the background), onto the lake and then the ocean. One of the most beautiful sights on earth, especially on sunset. Like I said, the sun didn’t actually set, being a polar day, it just went a little bit under the horizon.
This is it…
…Europe’s final meters of land. Right there in the first photo, I’m standing above them, in the westernmost place, Cabo da Roca, Portugal. It kind of feels strange being there where the old continent ends
And not far from there but far from the tourist’s track is praia da ursa, one of the most beautiful places in all Portugal and also one of the most inaccessible. Google earth tourism seems fun until you find out just how difficult it is to get to a certain point that looked good on a photo. And praia da ursa is one of those places. On the old road that leads there there’s a sign that said “danger, unsecured beach. For emergency call 112”. But the fact is there is no signal down there, is standing below a few hundred meters of rock, very hard to climb. In fact the beach is mostly deserted, in the middle of the season the only people there were a couple having innocent, beautiful sex. And no, I’m not showing you the photos 😀 .
Sunset dock
And after that short commercial break it’s time to go back to business.Once again, Barcelona.
Gray Rome
I think I’m going to switch to English from now on, no point in having half the visitors from outside the country and not understand one word. Besides, this may keep my parents from reading something perhaps compromising 🙂 . Comments are welcomed in any language.
Anyway, some photos from Rome. Rome was the first of the 3 major cities I stayed in last month (a lot of other small ones). In my opinion it’s not the nicest place on earth (good for photos nevertheless), however it has some stunning nearby towns that you won’t find anywhere else.
The color photos in another post.
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Ok, deci sa vad daca inteleg bine ce se intampla in jur. Ma aflu in Amsterdam, sunt intr-un restaurant grecesc de revelion si ascult manele. Nu inteleg exact in momentul de fata ce s-a intamplat si cum am ajuns aici asa ca mai mult ma amuz de intreaga situatie, ciocnesc cateva pahare, aprind un joint si imi vad de treaba. Aparent patronul stiind ca suntem romani s-a gandit ca fiind romani asta ascultam. Intentie dealtfel buna, dar… dupa 2-3 adi minune si 12 adi de la valcea se calmeaza lucrurile oricum si situatia revine la normal, farfurii sparte si melodii grecesti cantate de acelasi patron.
Bla bla bla
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