While in London I had the opportunity to see a real live anti-war protest. It was kind of interesting, the protesters marched throughout the city and stopped in Trafalgar Square where they held their event. It was like the scene from Forrest Gump, somehow every speech ended up having some sort of relationship with Vietnam. There were Vietnam songs and poetry, replacing the word Vietnam with Afghanistan or Iraq. There was some criticism aimed at Bush, Cheney, Rice, etc. Overall I found it to be very low level, not at all what I expected. And from all these people I bet most were there for the excitement, the idea of protesting and fighting something . The kind that would back off instantly if there were some kind of consequences for their actions. And the rest probably don’t realize the futileness of their protest. Always was, is, always will be. I wanted for a few seconds to get on that stage and tell them to forget it , to go home to their real problems they can actually fight. But then I figured everyone who’s anyone fights for something impossible or near it, and If they feel is worth it, I wish them all the luck.
Deer hunter
Ah, wilderness, feeling like I am in the middle of nature, no human tampering, no buildings, no stores, no streets. And all this in the middle of London. Amazing. Oh yeah, last weekend I went to London, so there is a whole bunch of photos coming alone.