8 of march 2010. A once in a lifetime experience for Barcelona people and even more unique for me being there at the right time, as this was the only time it really snowed in 25 years. Most people there never saw snow, and for the kids in the streets it was like heaven. In fact everyone became a little kid seeing that view and all were either playing, talking on the phone about it or taking pictures. On the bad side they say that the city was in complete collapse that day (you know, the kind of collapse you see in Bucharest the whole winter when it snows). Costa Brava however was devastated. 4 days after I booked a hotel in Plaja d’aro but when I got there it was a disaster. Palm trees were scattered on the roads and when I got to the hotel I was welcomed with a candle and an extra set of blankets as there was no electricity since the storm.Read More
Barcelona prime time – a subjective lens review (canon 50 mm 1.4 )
This is my first time using a prime lens, since I was very reticent about them, being used to framing using the zoom.
However since I needed low light filming potential and also being Christmas and all I treated myself with a Canon 50mm 1.4
I had 3 choices : the Canon 100mm f2 , the Canon 85 mm 1.8 and 50mm 1.4.
The girl in black
She was posing for someone else. I felt a bit jealous that her black silhouette outlined with light was someone elses for the taking. But it doesn’t matter. Only from where I was standing she blended perfectly with the stairs and light, like a shadowless black ghost floating in a surreal scene.
The Emperor’s New Clothes
I never really believed in him. I heard a lot of stories from Barcelona about him, but never really seen him. I started to believe he was just a myth, a modern Yeti, a figment of some very disturbed people imaginations. But then one day there he was, right in front of me. The world stood still and as he walked in the middle of the crowd. Faces froze with fear and amazement as he made his way through the streets in broad daylight.
Sunset dock
And after that short commercial break it’s time to go back to business.Once again, Barcelona.
2 friends, one cat, Barcelona
Sa lasam deoparte peisaje pe care le-am tot postat, lasand o clipa loc dof-ului ingus, iso-ului mare si a oamenilor. Deci, va prezint doi prieteni, o pisica, Barcelona. ( Thanks for all, guys ! )
ps: cica in ultima poza as fi eu, la cererea publicului. Dar nu m-as crede pe cuvant.
pps: autorii acestui site va reamintesc ca nu incurajeaza fumatul de orice natura, si acesta este extrem de daunator sanatatii.
Anul asta pare a fi anul calatoriilor pentru mine. De data asta Barcelona:nu pot sa spun decat ca e locul unde imi doresc sa locuiesc si sa mor. Restul, as putea abera ore in sir, insa nu am talentul narativ sa pot face asta asa ca mai bine tac. Absolut superb, fotografiile (nici macar reusite dealtfel) sunt complet pe langa, si am renuntat sa mai fotografiez in a 3-a zi de stat acolo.