This is my first time using a prime lens, since I was very reticent about them, being used to framing using the zoom.
However since I needed low light filming potential and also being Christmas and all I treated myself with a Canon 50mm 1.4
I had 3 choices : the Canon 100mm f2 , the Canon 85 mm 1.8 and 50mm 1.4.
The first ones had a big advantage of being much sharper. However both of them had smaller apertures and that means less light. Also because of the big focal lenght the lack of IS is a big issue, I know that because I had the 100mm f 2.8 macro, and most photos came out blurry unless in perfect light conditions. And last but not least, the same kind of bokeh and framing was easy to obtain with the zoom lenses I had (24-105 f4 l IS and 7-200 f4 L IS ). However the 50mm gave me a very nice bokeh at angles closer to the ones of the human eye, making it a very casual lens, framing exactly what I see.
Very very good choice. After I mounted it on the camera, in 5 days in Barcelona I could not take it off. Instead of finding it difficult and restraining to use, I found it perfect. Too perfect, since it made making good photos a piece of cake, the bokeh separating perfectly any subject from any noise in the background, turning the background into e very nice light painting. It’s not the sharpest of lenses, not the best build, not the best regarding ghosting or purple fringing, but the final result makes me forget about these details.
And some of the photos made with it.
Bun obiectiv si faine portrete. Sunt de acord cu tine, nu ii chiar atata de sharp, mai ales la diafragme mari, dar cred totodata ca se exagereaza un pic deja in ziua de azi, si prea toata lumea cauta poze “razor sharp” si in situatii in care chiar nu-i nevoie de ele. Am obiectivul de cateva luni, si sincer sunt foarte multumit de el.
Felicitari pentru obiectiv si sa-l folosesti sanatos 🙂
Din pacate mi se pare foarte nasol sa focalizezi la f1.4 🙁 Abia 1 din 5 poze ies asa cum vreau, asa ca am ajuns sa o folosesc pe la f2.8 pentru rezultate bune. La deschiderea asta puteam sa iau 50mm f1.8 care era de 4 ori mai ieftin (cand l-am luat eu)
Dupa cum am spus, nu ma deranjaza in multe cazuri ca focusul iese usor pe langa. Cele urbane si dinamice pot sa fie si blurry, conteaza ce exprima, si la portretele controlate focusul iese. Ideea e ca la 1.4 cea mai mica miscare si esti out-of-focus. In plus tu ai si un aparat care nu are un sistem asa bun de focus cum are 5d, si nici eu nu am un sistem de focus asa bun cum are un 1d. Iar la astfel de diafragme se cunoaste. 1.8 din pacate se simte foarte nasol in mana, nu e usm, e usor loose dpdv mecanic si nu are acel extra f-stop important pentru lumina. Ma mai gandeam la 50mm 1.2 L, dar la 2000E e cam scump 😀 .
Adi, de acord cu tine, si eu ma incadrez in categoria celor care cauta razor sharp, dar la anumite genuri de fotografii, peisaje pe care vreau sa le printez poate pe un a1 vreau sharpness maxim. Depinde foarte mult exact ce vrea fiecare sa faca cu obiecivul, problema e ca multi se uita doar la sharpness si nici macar nu fac fotografii, fac mai mult teste.
Sa iti cumperi si parasolarul si sa il tii 24/24 montat. La obiectivul asta cea mai mica bruscare a elementului frontal (care iese din corpul obiectivului) inseamna deteriorarea mecanismului de focalizare.
Multam de sfat, dar daca ii pun parasolar nu mai am loc in geanta. Nu e un obiectiv obscen de scump incat sa pierd si spatiul si factorul de discret pe care il are si care imi permite fotografii ceva mai “candid” decat cu 70-200 🙂 .
Hey no one wrote in English, ha. Anyway, enjoyed looking at your images. Recently got back to taking photos (don’t worry!) and bought a Canon XSi and the 50mm f1.4 lens. The camera and lens have been so much fun and the lens is fast enough to be unobtrusive. My two cents. r
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