Tuscany, Cinque Terre
Am petrecut 7 zile in zona Toscana, Italia.
Una peste alta a fost frumos iar oameni mi s-au parut mult mai prietenosi si ok decat in zona Romei (de care am ramas profund dezamagit). Evident si peisajele au fost pe masura.
Am inchiriat din Pisa o masina (surprinzator de ieftin fata de alte locuri), m-am revazut cu prieteni mai vechi si am stat noptile in Sienna, Poggibonsi si La Spezia. Primele doua se gasesc in Toscana si nu sunt foarte multe de spus ce nu s-a spus prin mii de fotografii asa cum o sa spun si eu in unele posturi ce urmeaza. La Spezia insa se afla in vecinatatea rezervatiei Cinque Terre, o mica zona de coasta la Marea Mediterana formata din 5 orasele (satuce) superbe si foarte linistite. Cele 5 fac parte din patrimoniul Unesco si desi sunt destul de pline de turisti sunt pastrate impecabil si nici nu au aerul ala claustrofob si imbaxit asa cum sunt obisnuit. Apa e calda chiar si acum iar in Manarola de exemplu se gasesc niste stanci numai bune pentru sarit. In sate sunt destule restaurante cu mancare buna si relativ ieftina iar colinele din jur pe care se pot strabate trasee (foarte similare cu cele montane) sunt pline de livezi de maslini si vii. Pentru un timp am putut sa uit de ale mele probleme si ganduri, sau daca nu sa uit macar sa le privesc mai detasat, aproape resemnat.
A little bit to the south
I may have mentioned some years ago ( back when I was little , my viewers were 100% Romanian and the purpose of the blog was more of impressing a certain beautiful girl), about what lays just beyond the Bulgarian border.Now years went by like summer storms, things have changed a lot but stayed the same and here we are again.
A rock’s throw away from the summer beach party center of Romania, Vama Veche, the sand turns into rocks , the water becomes clearer and gains color. Gone is the floating garbage, gone is the drunk crowd stepping on each other, gone all the people and all the cars. Perfect spot to enjoy a couple of days away from everyone and everything, to take a deep dive, do a bit of rock climbing or just enjoy a morning walk. All this still close enough to the party for those allergic to solitude.
To be continued… Some day.Read More
First light
Yet another beautiful view of Catalunya, a little town called… uhm, I forgot :). But should be somewhere in the north-west of Barcelona.Read More
Good morning Catalunya
Well since I spent too much time in Barcelona I thought why not enjoy some catalan views ? Besides it’s a long time I caught the view of a sunrise from… well anywhere.
God bless car rentals.Read More