November 6, 2010
I keep having this feeling that there’s something very wrong with this country. It keeps killing the souls of the people, and sometimes I am in a tram and all I see is empty life-like shells . And not because of poverty, but I think it’s because of the basis of how this society works (or doesn’t ), the way a family becomes a family here, the parents, etc. Before you even reach adulthood you no longer have a will, a soul or a mind of your own. You just exist, rich or pour.
note : taken with the nex-5.Read More
September 24, 2008
Losing my religion
Pentru ca ai aparut cateva fotografii noi am schimbat titlul threadului in ceva mai reprezentativ. Cum fac de obicei, inspirandu-ma din ce mai ascult in momentul respectiv in casti 🙂 . Dar da, tot Praga.