iceland thermal site 02

Of fire and ice

Cu atata usurinta ne separam noi oamenii de natura si intotdeauna privim restul ca “pamantul”. Ca un intreg inseparabil,  ceva inocent ce trebuie pastrat intact. Ne privim adesea ca asupritori care consuma tot si restul naturii traind in pace. Uitam ca in restul planetei si probabil  la un nivel de neperceput pentru noi, mai sus, e doar o lupta salbatica pentru supravietuire. Nu exista inocenta, nu exista bine si rau, exista o goana si o lupta continua ce nu se va termina niciodata, un razboi perpetuu. Specii intregi de animale dispar doar ca sa faca loc altora si o rasa de capre atinge un continent nou din intamplare si neavand inamici naturali acolo distruge si mananca tot, lasand in urma un desert arid.
Niciodata nu privim subsistemele, privim ca un ansamblu.Read More

iceland landmannalaugar 01

Iceland 3

Tony Soprano spunea intr-un episod ceva in genul : “Nu exista o solutie geografica pentru o problema emotionala”

Islanda, partea a 3-a.Read More

doug 07


Duminica, intr-un parc l-am cunoscut pe Doug. Era un catel foarte frumos cu privirea trista. A venit la mine iar eu am crezut in mod fals ca vine sa se joace. Insa nu a facut asta. In loc si-a gasit un petic de iarba undeva la picioarele mele si s-a lasat pe el.Read More

bird on frozen sunset

An old elephant like feeling

This is me. I weigh 80 kg, I’m 1.82 meters tall, 28 years old yet only alive for 4. I have birthmarks on my right hand and a scar on my face from when a dog bit me long time ago. For one year I have been wearing long unattended hair and before that short shaved. People who don’t really know me would label me as introverted depressed person with weird habits . Those who do  would say I am somehow bipolar, jumping from a state of complete and utter depression to one  over-extroverted. I usually don’t get out of my boring daily routine but when I do, I do it all the way. When something new comes along my path I take my chance with it. I am usually very open minded about anything and like to put people in situation where I challenge their predefined patterns of thinking about taboo subjects. I like to argue . I like drugs and never say no to them .They played a crucial part in my life with the new perspectives and viewpoints they brought. I like music. I like the girl I love, and I know in my heart that there is a high chance when she will be gone forever beyond hope I will die. I spend my nights thinking about that and about perspectives but find none. I like and do a lot of things, I make enough money and one without knowing would otherwise say I have nothing to complain about. They would be wrong.Read More

deer in London park 01

Deer hunter

Ah, wilderness, feeling like I am in the middle of nature, no human tampering, no buildings, no stores, no streets. And all this in the middle of London. Amazing. Oh yeah, last weekend I went to London, so there is a whole bunch of photos coming alone.

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a lot of pigeons in Istanbul 02

There is no spoon

Literally .For 2 months now I have no spoon in the whole house. I either forget or I’m to lazy to buy and it makes things rather difficult for me., especially regarding eating.

Now what was I saying ?  Oh yeah, pigeons in Istanbul . Lots of them.

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iceland skua 04

The bad birds

And this would also be my first upload of  something filmed with the 5d :). This being my first please don’t criticize too much and forgive the badly chosen music 🙂

So I was walking  in the middle of the nowhere when I see these beautiful, hawk-like birds sitting on the ground. As soon as I got a little closer they took off and attacked me (or at least tried to scare me off ).

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The rest

In mod normal ar fi trebuit sa impart in 3 parti aceste ultime fotografii din Praga.Insa asta s-ar putea sa fie ultimul meu post pe o perioada nedeterminata de timp. So you know… enjoy.

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Histria, forgotten land

9 dimineata, ma trezesc si ma hotoarasc iar brusc sa plec sa fac niste poze. Deschid repede Google earth si imi aduc aminte de niste formatiuni ciudate pe care le vazusem in zona lacului Sinoe. Zis si facut. De mentionat ca acolo se ajunge mai usor decat in Constanta, drumul fiind la fel de lung insa lipsit de traficul infernal de vara. Deci, dupa vreo 2 ore si jumatate, incep sa ma apropii. Pe drum, in stanga si in dreapta sate obisnuite cu oameni obisnuiti.

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