parallax neurons 01

Aphantasia sau Imaginatia Oarba

In fiecare zi afli cate ceva nou despre lume sau despre tine. Ieri am avut unul din acele momente de „aaaaah, deci asta era”.  
Nu am si nici nu am avut vreodata capacitatea de a forma imagini mentale. Prima oara cand am avut un sentiment ca ceva e in neregula a fost in copilarie cand incercam sa folosesc metoda numaratului oilor, precum mentioneaza si primul dintre articole. Pur si simplu nu reuseam sa vizualizez asta si mai mult ma frustram decat sa  ma odihnesc. Mai apoi m-a deranjat atunci cand incercam sa desenez si ma loveam de imposibilitatea amintirii unui chip uman. Imi puteam aduce aminte trasaturi, proprietati si sentimente si astea erau mai mult adjective imaginare. Nimic consistent si nimic precum o imagine. Acest lucru se manifesta si acum dar  l-am ignorat crezand ca asa trebuie sa stea lucrurile. Nu conteaza daca e vorba de parinti, prieteni buni sau locuri, ceva ce aduce macar a imagine lipseste  cu desavarsire . Stiu ca pare ciudat ca cineva a carui principal domeniu este vizual  insa dupa cum am aflat nu e chiar asa neobisnuit.

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M42 Orion Tamron 150 600 VC 04

Inceput de astrofotografie si review Tamron 150-600mm f5-6-3 di vc usd

Cand eram mic de multe ori stateam intins pe acoperisul casei la bunici si ma holbam ore in sir la stele. Eram fascinat  de imenistatea universului, de misterul care se ascunde in spatele covorului nesfarsit de puncte mici si stralucitoare. Mi-am pastrat fascinatia respectiva si e unul din motivele pentru care viata mea a decurs cum a decurs.

Cand m-am facut mai mare mi-am luat prima luneta, era o chestie de 3 milioane din pavilionul H, lentila frontala 50mm, nimic extraordinar dar a fost prima oara cand am distins cu ochiul liber silueta lui Saturn si mi-am satisfacut o mare curiozitate din copilarie. Mai tarziu m-am apucat de fotografie, am lasat luneta deoparte si am inceput sa explorez lumea prin prisma obiectivului. Apoi am trecut prin perioada psihedelicelor si am explorat universul prin perspectiva universului insusi. Apoi mi-am luat si un microscop si am explorat lumea sub-milimetrica.Read More

SSAO SS buffer 03

SSAO for the masses

Note: This document is written one year ago and is not 100% up to date. A modified (and more technical) version was presented at GDC 2014 by Romain Sididris and it is the main technique used in Modern Combat 5. For those of you with GDC Vault access the presentation is here .
At the time it was I think the only game that used SSAO on a tablet or phone.
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I usually don’t write about something else than photography, but this time I feel is somehow my duty. As you know I work in the gaming industry. As an industry, it has little margin for something that is unsure to sell, something experimental, something more art oriented rather than existing bad recipes. So basically “the industry” only manufactures the same existing games over and over, with the same compromises made for accessibility and mass-market, the same action packed brainless, soulless, kitschy pieces of shit. Of course there are exceptions even in the high budget area with some developers taking huge risks to push onto the market games that have potential not to sell. Sometimes they make it, most of the time they don’t. And it’s a real pity since gaming platforms have the potential to push art to a new evolutionary step through interactivity, where the viewer becomes a part of the art piece. And that can be the one and only final step in modern arts, it cannot go beyond total immersion, it can only evolve around this idea along with technological evolution.

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