Foggy sunday afternoon
Dupa cum povesteam, in ziua a 3-a un nor de joasa altitudine a cuprins intrega zona din sud intr-un val de ceata. La intoarcere am oprit din nou pe malul lagunei Jokulsarlon si dupa cum credeam, fata de noaptea precedenta ,acum se umpluse totul de turisti. Iar combinatia de lumina, gheata, ceata si oameni au creata un spectacol vizual rar, suprarealist si mai ales absolut fotografic.
Besides the new layout and functionality, upon requests I added a wallpapers category that you can access from the top menu. You can download them for the most common screen resolutions and use them for non commercial purposes, without removing the watermark. Here are the first 3, from Iceland:Read More
The wild north
Ok, I removed the teaser post on the reason of being too “fitos” 🙂 . So, here starts the photo series from my 8 days trip to Iceland. The most beautiful, wildest and natural place I have ever seen. No word can describe the feeling of being there, witness to something probably very similar to what the world looked like millions of years ago. But I’ll come back to writing another time.
Here is lake Jökulsárlón, the biggest glacial lake in Iceland, a recent one that came with the fast melting of the Vatnajökull glacier, and still growing in size. The ice comes sliding from the mountains (you can see the river of ice in the first picture, in the background), onto the lake and then the ocean. One of the most beautiful sights on earth, especially on sunset. Like I said, the sun didn’t actually set, being a polar day, it just went a little bit under the horizon.