I never really believed in him. I heard a lot of stories from Barcelona about him, but never really seen him. I started to believe he was just a myth, a modern Yeti, a figment of some very disturbed people imaginations. But then one day there he was, right in front of me. The world stood still and as he walked in the middle of the crowd. Faces froze with fear and amazement as he made his way through the streets in broad daylight.
Hi. I'm Aurel Manea, a hobby photographer/video maker and a professional 3d/gfx artist. For the photos/videos, in case you ask, I use a canon 5d mark 2 + Canon 50mm f1.4 + Canon 24-105 F4 L IS + Canon 70-200 F4 L IS. Older ones were made with other cameras, starting with a 300D + crappy lenses and then 30d & 40d.
Welcome and stuff, enjoy your stay.
Great pictures, great story. I’d like to get your permission to post one or two of your images on my blog, naturally with the proper credits and link. Just one question, though: did you use “pigment” instead of “figment” on purpose? (I can’t see why you would do that, but maybe you meant it as a play on words of some sort? Otherwise, you should make the correction — link.
Cu riscul de a fi catalogat drept “un frustrat” (da, biologic nu intru in competitie cu acest biped), cred ca albirea parului nu i-a adus niciun castig acestui individ, IQ-ul lui si valoarea autentic umana fiind invers proportionala cu dimensiunile organului cu care isi impresioneaza semenii incapabili de a avea preocupari mai elevate. Cred sincer ca descoperirea si afisarea goliciunii omenesti (pe care, de altfel, fiecare e liber s-o examineze in particular), nu reprezinta un act de curaj, ci mai degraba un teribilism retardat ce nu aduce decat senzatia de circ foarte ieftin; ce urmeaza, sex in piatza?
daca ai ceva de aratat,arata,daca ai ceva de spus,spune ,dar daca ce vrei sa arati este urat,ce vrei sa spui este urat atunci mai bine te ascunzi si taci!
nu sunt sigur dar cateva din tatuajele mosului acele pasari de pe pectorali par a fi din razboiul din vietnam…de aici si o explicatie a integritatii mentale…din pct de vedere al dimensiunilor e de ajuns sa fie groasa nu trebuie sa fie kilometrica va spun din proprie experienta ca nu e deloc fain…
What a shame all those silly people’s comments made him change it to a ‘figment of some very disturbed people imaginations’ from pigment… That was an awesome pun! Don’t listen to anyone that doesn’t get it, they’re silly – change it back!
It’s not often I endorse puns – but today I make an exception – fine work my man… fine work indeed.
In Barcelona there isn’t a law against nudity. It’s allowed to go naked. I’m from there and I’ve seen this man twice (in les Rambles and Port Olímpic).
What a bunch of blocked-mind people that are commenting here, kind of sad actually. Like if a naked man was some kind of horror, how, and look, he got weird body tattoos, how hawful, he must be crazy, probably he’ll end up killing someone!
Maybe it was your own culture that determined those kind of limitations to your own self, and now try to look back to your world, where most of the (pseudo) “right and moralist” barriers are the true sick and twisted aspects of society.
este es un post muy bueno,el tio que va andando es muy famoso en barcelona sobretodo en la zona de las ramblas.el resto de las fotos han terminado de darle la importancia del post.eres un crack
Esto es en Barcelona (ciudad en la que nací y resido), por mi parte es una verguenza tener que ver como “esto” es lo que la gente se lleva como recuerdo, si desde luego lo que no pase en esta puta ciudad…en fin y los mossos d’escuadra y la guardia urbana no le dicen nada…ahora si te ven sin camiseta a ti ya la tienes liada..en fin lo dicho una verguenza.
I’m 66 years old and I have absolutely no objection to this. Clearly he’s eccentric and enjoys showing off. But look how much fun he has generated! Way to go, old gentleman of Barcelona. Wonder if he has clothes for the winter…
I like this guy, he’s comfortable with his body, unashamed of his natural form. His tattoos are pretty neat, also. I just wonder how he sits down in public. He doesn’t seem to be carrying anything for butt protection if he sits on a bench or something. :O
No se de que os sorprendeis en España pasa esto todos los días y mas en Barcelona, Provincia de Cataluña, donde esta permitido pasear desnudo por la ciudad, quiza con alguna salvedad pero mira el colega, sin remilgos, os invito jovenes giris a venir a Barcelona tenemos de esto y mucho más.
I have really got to get down there and try that some day. I’d probably jack it off all night thinking about all those women looking at my wang after a day of walking around like that. 😀
As little babies we run around in the buff happy as can be and no one worries . . .
at what point is guilt and shame driven into our beings that we must wear clothes for anything other than warmth and protection?
Bravo for him for walking without shame in the amazing body that the universe aka GOD GAVE HIM!
Jeez, seems some po-faced, Mid-Western, rednecked arseholes just can’t live with the fact that they too, are nekkid under their clothes. What’s up guys, the preacher spank you as kids?
More power to the old geezer and long may he be able to stroll in the buff – I wish I could. Mind you, I wish I had a nine-inch tool, too. 🙂 🙂
– -|||
all right,using Half-width characters
One congratulatory message From the PRC:
Truely pure man!!!!!!!!!The really Dauntless!!!!!!!!!!!!!Brother Spring’s style!!!!!!!!!!!!
BUT,like Brother Zeng,he can only infinitely close to Brother Spring ,and never ever surpass him
The elder Brother has awaken.
Believe in Brother Spring,then one can live for ever.
Believe in Brother Spring,then the dead can re-rise with 100%HP & 100%MP as he never die.
I believe in Brother Spring, so I can do everything.
Long long ago, the Korean came.
They created Prime Material plane.
They created GOD to help those helpless.
And now ,they create Brother Spring to help us.
He’s pumped directly some quantity of silicon into his penis which is why it looks so ugly and deformed. It looks unmistakable. There was actually a documentary about this in italy. One of the weirdest forms of bodily modification,
Yo trabajo por la zona por donde pasea este hombre, y le he visto. Ese hombre no molesta a nadie y es libre de ir como le de la gana. Mientres no coerte la libertad de los demas, NO PROBLEM !!! Vive y deja vivir.
Celestain,….. de los comentarios de la gente arriba expuestos …. que sepas que no hay ninguno en catalán. IGNORANTE !!!
Que sepas que la mayoria de Catalanes, nos sentimos diferentes a los Españoles. Aceptalo, ademas a ti te da igual. Vive y deja vivir.
haha no way as a I stumbled upon this I saw the first picture and didnt read the description of the site and I thought to myself that looks like that cazy naked tattooed guy I saw in
Barcelona about a month ago…sure enough no way hes like known! I was in shock when I saw this dude…but naked just walking around I was like no wayyyyy haha thats crazyyyy
Way to go on this guy. I haven’t the balls required to do that (actually I’m rather overtly modest), but honestly, what kind of society do we have today that we are so bloody frightened of the human body?
Good for you, old man from Barcelona. Psh on you, prudes from the internet.
Wow, I’m amazed. I don’t understand why people are so ashamed of the human body either, but still, I’m surprised that he wasn’t arrested or something. In the one shot there’s a policeman in the background who’s not even paying him any attention. I guess they must be used to it then? Well, kudos to the man because he obviously is a lot more comfortable in himself than most people, including me! And on a more crude note, he is pretty well-hung as well. Way to go gramps!
Damn.. That guy is sick.. He walks around semi erect or erect… Wtf does the police do?!? He’s a fucking exhibisionist! But I agree he has it above average. But anyways crazy fucktard.
You know, I might have said something bad about this guy, judged him or whatnot. But there’s something about the picture of him where he’s looking directly at the camera and smiling. Something I can’t place. That’s a beautiful picture. Props for getting it. I love it and he’s rad for it!
Sick dirty old man. Sick society and dirty govermment with no respect to its children and women. He should be in jail that some gay inmates can enjoy him. A man in his age should respect himself and others. This is not a joke that we can laugh at. This is a serious social issue. I do not want my children see such a dirty naked idiot.
You should stay in the states than, don’t come to Europe, your children are “safe” there. But you know what ? I bet there is no way you can logically back up what you are saying, and your extreme opinions are not better that ones that say women should wear a scarf on their faces. Furthermore, the fact that you even have the guts and pointless hate to punish nudism (and like I said, you are not able to prove that there is even a harm done), with fucking jail and jail rape makes you nothing more than an evil idiot. Prove me wrong with arguments that justify this hate and I will publicly apologize.
Cripes, Tiger, repressed & uptight much? It’s a naked man walking around. He’s not beating it, he’s not rubbing it up against anybody, he’s not publicly urinating. He’s just walking down the street minding his own business & doing some shopping whilst naked. Nudity doesn’t always equal perversion. The human body isn’t “dirty” unless YOU choose to sexualize it & human sexuality is obviously “dirty” & “sick” to your narrow little mind. And way to say that a naked person innocently walking around is somehow LESS offensive than PRISON RAPE?! REPREHENSIBLE! The ONLY sick person here is *you*, Tiger!
Not everybody in the world is an idiot, not even in America. I say way to go grandpa! Let your freaky-dick flag fly!
Doesn’t seem like he has a stiffy. Rather, it just bounces up and down when he walks — so it sometimes appears as though it’s sticking out. If you look at the photo with the tourist, it appears flacid. Very impressive for a grandpa.
Silly humans. That’s what people look like with no clothes on. Big deal. I’m glad the dude does not live in the US. He would be arrested. There is nothing wrong with the human body. Some African villagers still have little clothing. American Indians wore little clothing. Nudity does not mean sex, it’s just our natural state. . Its all in the perspective. I get a laugh too but mostly at his dick that looks alive and like an elephant trunk. He might be the coolest dude you ever met? Who knows?
Brilliant photojournalism of an extremely interesting subject! Amazingly enough, you managed to capture very artistic views of this man in a conventional environment. Would be fascinating to learn of this gentleman’s history and reasons for his ‘unique’ form of self-expression. Tiger, I believe you have much more serious problems that should be addressed by a therapist compared to this older gentleman who’s nudity shouldn’t be compared to perversion.
Thank you Manea, for your beautiful and striking photography. And well done for the amazingly broadening experience the debates (political, moral) your photos/blogs generate– however unplanned they are! Your response to Tiger is most appropriate. If anyone deserved a reprimand it was this person. The internet provides a freedom of speech we have never encountered before. And yes, that includes your freedom, Tiger. However there is a line we must draw – to do with respect. This man, walking around in his own country where there are no laws against nudity, is not reprehensible. Saying this man somehow deserves to be jail-raped for being comfortable in his own skin IS reprehensible. Perhaps it was just an emotional, knee-jerk reaction to what you saw. But have you thought about why you would react so violently? And further, the fact that this reaction (although not physical) may be fundamentally no different than the violent reactions the men residing in those jails could not control? I don’t mean to be personally offensive to you; just trying to point out that you may have taken things a little too far.
Respect costs you nothing, but earns you infinite amounts in return.
I can’t believe these pictures but I like them at the same time. I am going to blog about this series and link/credit your site. OMG I can’t fathom the thought of a man walking around in the US but naked. Dude is hung like a horse and it looks weird just like him!
Sincer mie nu imi plac deloc copiii mici, nounascutii. Sunt murdari, urati, se pisa si se caca oriunde. Si ii vad peste tot, mame cu ei in brate, schimband scutecele alea jegoase. Ma vezi cumva ca ma plang de asta si as vrea sa fie inchisi pentru ca ma dezguzta ?
His penis isn’t very large. It looks on the larger end of the average range, but his skin above his balls and shaft has been stretched so that his penis hangs lower on his body. I wonder if he did that on purpose or that just happened to him naturally.
En Catalunya hay una normativa de la Generalitat la cual dice que en toda Catalunya esta permitido el nudismo porque es un derecho a la libertad individual, asi que puedes ir desnudo por cualquier lugar publico de Catalunya a no ser que lo prohiban expresamente como es el caso de grandes almacenes, restaurantes y tiendas de alimentacion en general
Vaya,vaya con el machote ya le gustaría tener a más de uno ese miembro!!! Bien que hace el tio si quiere ir sin ropa a darse un paseito y así la gente puede recrearse con ese cuerpo…hay que animarse!!!
A friend sent me the link and I was so surprised at granddaddy walking about confidently in his birthday suit in public, showing his massive tool. Not a problem. I just got a little concerned that it appears he was having an erection at certain points, when small kids are around!! Just one question though, what does he do to avoid mosquito bites on his willy during summertime….??!!
OMG! I was in Barcelona in May and saw this dude walking down the beach with another naked guy. I didn’t realize he was well-known or of the status of urban myth. Cool!
For the record, I’m from the states, and I think he’s wonderful. I think the world would be a much better place if we were all more comfortable in our own skins.
I love Barcelona, my incredible city…!! Even if politicians are triing from years ago to private us from the old liberty…. the souls of bcn citizens are free!! I do recognize the autenticity of this special man, he lives his own way… wow!!
I’m scared by the seemingly increased amounts of people, who think that this rather well equipped man should go to jail because of their own dislike of a naked body.
Negative people aside, great pictures Aurelm! If I ever come to Barcelona I will try to catch this man myself, and perhaps enjoy this particular, sensible law as well. I hope women walk around naked there also.
Perhaps you could tidy the ????????? -posts from above to give more space for real people’s comments on nudity, and this guy’s legendary cock!
Maybe someone will reach my comment too then.
To each their own. Personally, I’ve never understood why it’s socially acceptable in the U.S. for men to run about shirtless in public whereas women are expected to cower in a bathroom to breastfeed. I’d run around nekkid in a heartbeat if I wouldn’t get arrested for it (or sunburned…)
Define irony: the most (violent?) vocal opponents to public nudity hail from “the home of the free”.
For the tourist or visitors to Barcelona, If you have been here for a weekend and never talk to a Barcelona’s native it’s possible you come back to your country and talk about “Barca” instead of Barcelona with your friends. You had to know it sounds so ridiculous for me, Barça its the footbal local team, not the city. Then if you try to sound cool just say Barna not Barca.
Omg! I saw this man when I went on holiday to Barcelona a few years ago.
I only saw him from behind, my family took pictures too haha.
We saw police talking to him, but they weren’t being aggresive or telling him to put clothes on.
I think it is great that he is able to walk around freely like he does.
People if you do not like like it do not try and preach your conservative-moralistic views to others but accept there are other views out there.
I guess he’s a remarkable person, free spirit.
Hope to come across him sometime when I’ll be in BCN.
This is a kind of person I’d like to shake hands with 🙂
I’m one of the odd balls in America who finds it to be RIDICULOUS to even have laws about nudity at all! In many places where it is not an issue, rape & molestation is far less of a problem than it is where public nudity is so shocking & condemned! In this case I think Grampa is a super cooool dude & I say GOOD FOR HIM for not having HANG UPS about such things, despite the fact that so many people still do. GET OVER IT! It’s just a PENIS, ALL MEN HAVE THEM! Most woman have seen them too & if not, WHY NOT???!!! The human body is a remarkable & beautiful creation… EVERYONE would benefit by being comfortable with that or AT LEAST just familiar enough to barely notice nudity. IF the body is being used to physically assault another person or even just touch them AGAINST their will, now THAT is absolutely unacceptable! OF COURSE! In a case like this, I’m far more disturbed by those who would be fearful & condemn him, just for being DIFFERENT then themselves! A quick glance is ONLY that! So why STARE RIGHT AT IT & then scowl at him? It’s sooo simple to just focus on SOMETHING ELSE, if you are so offended! Geeeez! At least he’s putting smiles on many peoples faces who are mentally stable enough to appreciate him for his uniqueness & bravery. Why should the healthy one’s be burdened with all the fearful control freaks unnecessary rules??? OK… I feel better now… Ahhhhh… GO GRAMPA! WOO HOO!!!!
To each his own. If he wants to walk naked, be it ! If you don’t like it, just turn away ! No one is forcing you to watch him. I think he has guts, to walk in public naked. I can never do it, even if you paid me a thousand bucks ! I have no objections. However, is is legal to walk naked in Barcelona ? Any part of Barcelona or just some areas ? Even now ? Wow ! That is something !!!
I am student in Cambridge University. Bunch of us are going to Barcelona end January 2010 for field trip. I notice that the post here are quite old
was wondering if this old man is still around ? We would love to see him and take some pix with him. Can anyone tell me of he’s still walking naked
the streets of Barcelona? Or the laws have changed ? Thanks
To melissa: Yes still going arround, law don’t changed and I wish don’t do it, that’s kind of cool coming from a city with such an opend mind no?
Problem is that is quite cold in Barcelona this days and it’s more dificult to saw them just going around.
Best areas to find them are: from the middle of Las Ramblaso, next to Arts Santa Monica (contemporany art,visit recomended) to La Barceloneta neigborhood (where he lives) If you can’t find them always can go to eat some “pescadito frito” (fried fish) at – Montferri (C/ Almirante Aixada in front of the beach, also recomended)
And if you find them note that he don’t like pictures…
A unique,shocking, chance encounter with how Spain makes certain allowances for their senile (or Alzheimer’s) citizenry.… holy fucking shite, man! ~ (•8-D
Great that people can walk around how they want.
Its not about sex, its about being comfortable with yourself and this man clearly is that!!
Never been to Barcelona, but when i go and i will see him, i will admire him for the guts to walk nude and be comfortable with it.
I agree with you. It infuriates me also how people will say nothing about being horrible and violent and all the nastiness in the world. But just find someone that’s naked and that is the most disgusting thing they have ever seen and this person should be jailed/punished?
I heard about this dude from a friend who encountered him in june. that is one ugly dick! how in the hell can this guy walk in the middle of barcelona, particularly when he has wood half the time? kudos to him for having a 10 inch crank but it sho” is nasty!
pt mine nu mosul a fost interesant,ci reactiile oamenilor.cred ca asta a urmarit si fotograful 🙂 sa surprinda prima reactie naturala a unui om atunci cand vede ceva mai ciudat.in locul mosului putea fi si un….magar epilat 🙂
Foarte multe comentarii .. nu le-am citit pe toate, dar observ ca mai bine de 90% nu au putut observa decat ce avea personajul in cauza … In fine …
Altfel … un experiment interesant … “Pictorul” personajului plin de talent … tatuajele simpaticute …
Si cel mai sugestiv … reactiile “publicului” divers …
Bine ca doar un experiment, totusi … [Poate ar fi fost mai cu folos si o partenera pentru personajul “nostru”!!!]
Da deci ceva deosebit si extrafin.
Un mos exhibitionst isi arata pula pe strada, profitind de laxismul si toleranta unei societati inecate in imbuibare.
Imediat se gasesc o gramada de sofisticati sa aplaude pozele si personajul.
E de bon ton sa te arati sofisticat.
Nici unul nu-si pune intrebarea elementara: si de ce sunt obligati trecatorii sa vada o pula pe care poate unii nu doresc sa o vada?
De ce sunt obligati copiii sa vada pula mosului?
Asa ca Alice, Meg & comp, daca v-a placut asa de mult experimentul eu va propun o continuare.
Mergeti la Barcelona si luati-o in gura.
Atuncea sa vezi poze.
George, pentru ca intrebarea in sine e extrem de proasta. Pentru ca la fel as putea si eu sa intreb de ce oare merg pe strada si sunt obligat sa vad niste reclame de tot cacatul pe toate blocurile, pe toti stalpii. Mi se face scarba pana in maduva oaselor de ele. De ce nu isi pune nimeni intrebarea asta ?
Ma fratilor voi sunteti cu capu vaginul unei femei e de 7-10 cm credeti ca daca o aveti cat ala nu puteti excita o fata/femeie la fel ?
in rest faine si eu cred ca iese asa pe strada sa si-o mai bronzeze un pik :))
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I try to imagine this happening in our country…
Maybe it’s just a social experiment. Where’s it btw ?
cata detasare, dom’ne :))…felicitari pentru faptul ca nu ti-au iesit pozelel blurate..:P
ce linistit se plimba omu’ :)) hahah, gheo plimbaretzu’ =))
excelenta serie!
ce pulan are moshu
Be careful what you wish for! You might get it!
Great pictures, great story. I’d like to get your permission to post one or two of your images on my blog, naturally with the proper credits and link. Just one question, though: did you use “pigment” instead of “figment” on purpose? (I can’t see why you would do that, but maybe you meant it as a play on words of some sort? Otherwise, you should make the correction — link.
sigur, no problem 🙂
I saw him 2 years ago when I was in Barcelona! I couldn’t believe it and I almost blocked it out from my memory. thanks :))
I showed these pictures to 2 of my colleagues, well…. they are in shock right now. Probably because of the size 🙂
Hai frate sa nu fim in schock.
E dotat mosu, dar doar atat.
Si sa stiti ca la varsta lui e normal .
Important e ca e fan FC Barcelona.
l-am vazut pe viu pe nenea asta. asa umbla tot timpul.
OMG! It’s hysterical! ROFL!!! :))
libertate de exprimare..i would do that..omul este imbracat..el considera ca tatuajele sunt destul.
Cum era melodia aia…
“Am pula mare!!
Am pula mare!!
*da, chiar o are*
*da, chiar o are*”
Mandru` rau omul, dar are si de ce. Cred ca a fost iubit destul la viata lui.
PS – It`s “FIGMENT of (someone`s) imagination*
Not pigment. Pigment gives color. Figment is something made up.
nice photoshop
Da e un carn…da pentru un mos mere….super tari pozele:))
Am corectat :), thanks.
Looool!! tare tataie ala… ditamai carnatu …
Pula ca pula, insa mai interesante-s pozele as zice, si intreaga poveste a setului.
Cauti o explicatie pentru fapta mosului? Uite-o: umbla asa pentru ca are cu ce. Si pentru ca are cu ce isi permit sa spuna: ma doare la basca.
Daca as avea-o atata as umbla si eu cu ea flendurand in lumina razelor de soare. :))
i cam nasol sa unbli asa pe starda ……………… da batrunu daca are tupeu cesa i faci ………………….o dat in mintea copiilor………………. mai aru
super…imi place ce vad, mi-ar placea sa simt aia
I never saw him during my stay in Barca, although there are a lot of street artists on Rambla Street this one made a huge impression.
La ciocanu gol frumos:))
Unii o aveti mai mica in erectie de cat o are mosul in stare fleasca.
Eu am ramas fara cuvinte…sincer….urasc expresia, dar de data asta simt nevoia sa o spun: Foarte tare, frate!!!!!!
Cred ca a fost politzai mosu’ si cand a iesit la pensie a furat pulanul de la munca =)))
Cu riscul de a fi catalogat drept “un frustrat” (da, biologic nu intru in competitie cu acest biped), cred ca albirea parului nu i-a adus niciun castig acestui individ, IQ-ul lui si valoarea autentic umana fiind invers proportionala cu dimensiunile organului cu care isi impresioneaza semenii incapabili de a avea preocupari mai elevate. Cred sincer ca descoperirea si afisarea goliciunii omenesti (pe care, de altfel, fiecare e liber s-o examineze in particular), nu reprezinta un act de curaj, ci mai degraba un teribilism retardat ce nu aduce decat senzatia de circ foarte ieftin; ce urmeaza, sex in piatza?
foarte indraznet.bravo pt curaj sau mai bine spus bravo pt lipsa de ……………..neuroni??
daca ai ceva de aratat,arata,daca ai ceva de spus,spune ,dar daca ce vrei sa arati este urat,ce vrei sa spui este urat atunci mai bine te ascunzi si taci!
cred ca a fost “piesa” Nea Caisa la viata lui!!!
Da’ ?sta de ce n-ar avea pagin? de Wikipedia? Adic? de ce?
Smecher fraieru’! Mai rar asa mos bengos :))
mmm e aproape cat a mea!
belea rau mosul, ce sa zic, si foarte dotat!
nu fiti rai mah! nu mai suporta hainele ca il strangeau:)) oricum intreg la cap nu-i moshu…ce privire de om nebun are
E viral pentru Barcelona.;))
nu sunt sigur dar cateva din tatuajele mosului acele pasari de pe pectorali par a fi din razboiul din vietnam…de aici si o explicatie a integritatii mentale…din pct de vedere al dimensiunilor e de ajuns sa fie groasa nu trebuie sa fie kilometrica va spun din proprie experienta ca nu e deloc fain…
Unbelievable!..how old is he, anyway? lol…
i saw him when i was in Barcelona a year ago with my girlfriend , very funny man
He did that after he saw our show !!!
Yes the brits are a strange bunch….
I saw last week an other one ! His was maybe 4 inch! I go sure send him this. He will be afraid to show hims again.
Paulette, i think i have see the same you descripted ! Maybe you can forward hem this lol
Mon dieu ! Ca c’est un zizi ! A mon avis ce n’est pas truquage. Il peut être fier de ça.
il doare drept in p..a!
anyway…nu mi-ar face placere sa-l vad pe strada…
When i met this guy ooohhhhh
Thats dangerous to walk this way in Barcelona
Is this figment of the imagination ?
Good on him, why show off your body and his art works, wish i was bold like he is
He can be my father ! But when i meet him ….. he dont need ask me twice.
When I was with girlfriends in Barcelona we saw him walking on the Ramblas. Olalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa………………
verry nice beatyfull
I saw him two months ago in Barça on the Ramblas. He was standing next to us, hiding for the rain.
No guts no glory, but this was hilarous 😉
De echte…
Seeing this nut case and women doing the same……. I now realize what a cultural and a decent country I live in??
I’am from Barçelona, and I have nothing around my body. :-)))
i love that he’s wearing a hat.
This will sound crazy- but I actually saw this man while I was in Barcelona.
Pop quiz: What footwear did he have on, and what color were they?
Great photojournalism by the way!
How is it that he is never arrested and incarcerated? Are their no laws against public nudity in Barcelona? BTW that is one ugly dick he has.
What a shame all those silly people’s comments made him change it to a ‘figment of some very disturbed people imaginations’ from pigment… That was an awesome pun! Don’t listen to anyone that doesn’t get it, they’re silly – change it back!
It’s not often I endorse puns – but today I make an exception – fine work my man… fine work indeed.
In Barcelona there isn’t a law against nudity. It’s allowed to go naked. I’m from there and I’ve seen this man twice (in les Rambles and Port Olímpic).
Art and confidence creates a stir in the universe. The old guy rocks! The photographer certainly has an eye for reality.
The 11-year-old girl in the second to last frame looks like she wanted to get a bit closer, maybe get a taste.
If that sick SOB came walking naked in front of my young daughter it would be the last walk he ever took.
What a bunch of blocked-mind people that are commenting here, kind of sad actually. Like if a naked man was some kind of horror, how, and look, he got weird body tattoos, how hawful, he must be crazy, probably he’ll end up killing someone!
Maybe it was your own culture that determined those kind of limitations to your own self, and now try to look back to your world, where most of the (pseudo) “right and moralist” barriers are the true sick and twisted aspects of society.
Today on where are they now, we have Dumbo
este es un post muy bueno,el tio que va andando es muy famoso en barcelona sobretodo en la zona de las ramblas.el resto de las fotos han terminado de darle la importancia del post.eres un crack
I live in this wonderful city and even though I dont walk in the street naked, I think its great that others can. Its all in our minds!
cheers and live life.
In all Spain is legal to be naked on streets, there’s no laws against it. En España es legal estar desnudo en la calle, no existen leyes en contra.
Yes of course!, Is the veritable elephant man!
Esto es en Barcelona (ciudad en la que nací y resido), por mi parte es una verguenza tener que ver como “esto” es lo que la gente se lleva como recuerdo, si desde luego lo que no pase en esta puta ciudad…en fin y los mossos d’escuadra y la guardia urbana no le dicen nada…ahora si te ven sin camiseta a ti ya la tienes liada..en fin lo dicho una verguenza.
Kanijo, lo k te pasa es k te jode k este tipo tenga la polla dos veces mas grande relajaa k tu empalmado XDD
soy de argentina
que DESASTRE!!!!!!
se cree que esta bien!!!!!!
seguimos mal
Yo si la tuviera asi de grande iba en pelotas como el.
I’m 66 years old and I have absolutely no objection to this. Clearly he’s eccentric and enjoys showing off. But look how much fun he has generated! Way to go, old gentleman of Barcelona. Wonder if he has clothes for the winter…
I saw him two months ago on a beach street roller skating with his friend with a same outfit:-) That was really something!:-D
I like this guy, he’s comfortable with his body, unashamed of his natural form. His tattoos are pretty neat, also. I just wonder how he sits down in public. He doesn’t seem to be carrying anything for butt protection if he sits on a bench or something. :O
Santi, estoy contigo!! pero por esa regla de 3 voy a tener k empezar a ir en bolas por la calle XDDD
jejejejeje there should be a video about this to check the ladies look when he is passing by
It’s the spanish power !!! Come girls for all countrys… Come to spain and enjoy !!!! xD
spain is different
catalonia is not spain! catalonia is fighting for freedom!
picture 10 is thebest
i think i see some nipple!! 😛
I thought that was an elephant trunk
disgusting old man that should be ashamed of himself! why is he getting away with it?
Thats Europe for you!
wow…chiar are ce sa arate mosu..impresionant/socant…
Recently got back form Barcelona and saw this guy in person. Pictures don’t do him justice, it’s way scarier in person!
6 proprio un coglione ma nn hai un cazzo da fare ?????
6 proprio na merda
torna a casa e ricopriti
hai l uccello marci o
Was für ein alter Depp!!!!!!
I live in Barcelona and I have seen this guy lots of time, incredible person. Actually in Barcelona it’s legat to go w/o clothes at the street.
No se de que os sorprendeis en España pasa esto todos los días y mas en Barcelona, Provincia de Cataluña, donde esta permitido pasear desnudo por la ciudad, quiza con alguna salvedad pero mira el colega, sin remilgos, os invito jovenes giris a venir a Barcelona tenemos de esto y mucho más.
I have really got to get down there and try that some day. I’d probably jack it off all night thinking about all those women looking at my wang after a day of walking around like that. 😀
…..pfuaiiiii, mosul mai avea foarte putin si ma intrecea la marime CLOSE ONE
Ganesha walks the streets in the flesh! How cool is that! Does anyone know what his “necklace” says? It’s Sanskrit, right?
Ganesha anda por el mundo moderno. Que lindo. ? Alguien sabe que dice su ‘collar’? Es Sanskrit, ?no?
¡Qué tio más auténtico! Olé por sus narices y por sus coj… que, por cierto, peazo coj…
Enhorabuena por las fotos. Muy buenas.
OMG hentai KOOL
jian dan guan guang tuan qian lai wei guan!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Big-John.
I think he’s wanna tell the ladies living in barcelona: Don’t miss me, baby. I’m a legend.
jajajaja, wenisimo!, vivo en barcelona y en mi vida había visto al tio este!
salu2’s bCn ^^
o my god,i can’t believe my eyes,it’s so shocked…
it is so shocked. I’ll go to Italy.
it’s gonna be legen~~~wait for it~~~~~~dary!
wow .. excellent! What’s the talent he got!!
Well, if I had a big one like that, maybe I would show it off too!
Nah, what a retareded pervert thsi guy is!
I’m from Barcelona and this is True. CATALONIA IS NOT SPAIN
my God!too big
Tourist form JANDAN
so crazy
now he’s becoming to be known in China…
Jandan Tourist passing by …
Jandan Tourist passing by …
As little babies we run around in the buff happy as can be and no one worries . . .
at what point is guilt and shame driven into our beings that we must wear clothes for anything other than warmth and protection?
Bravo for him for walking without shame in the amazing body that the universe aka GOD GAVE HIM!
Jeez, seems some po-faced, Mid-Western, rednecked arseholes just can’t live with the fact that they too, are nekkid under their clothes. What’s up guys, the preacher spank you as kids?
More power to the old geezer and long may he be able to stroll in the buff – I wish I could. Mind you, I wish I had a nine-inch tool, too. 🙂 🙂
too cool!?????!
orz.ALL ARE THE query@#%$@#^^
???? ???
?? ??
– -|||
all right,using Half-width characters
One congratulatory message From the PRC:
Truely pure man!!!!!!!!!The really Dauntless!!!!!!!!!!!!!Brother Spring’s style!!!!!!!!!!!!
BUT,like Brother Zeng,he can only infinitely close to Brother Spring ,and never ever surpass him
The elder Brother has awaken.
Believe in Brother Spring,then one can live for ever.
Believe in Brother Spring,then the dead can re-rise with 100%HP & 100%MP as he never die.
I believe in Brother Spring, so I can do everything.
Long long ago, the Korean came.
They created Prime Material plane.
They created GOD to help those helpless.
And now ,they create Brother Spring to help us.
I can’t believe he
what is a big big big
OMG!!!really so big Dick ~~~~I love it ~
Nice pull toy!
He’s pumped directly some quantity of silicon into his penis which is why it looks so ugly and deformed. It looks unmistakable. There was actually a documentary about this in italy. One of the weirdest forms of bodily modification,
where amusing happens
What’s that? Wow, it’s elephant! &^*(^%$
So big!
I learned this news from the bbs in the bulletin board system called PPT in Taiwan.
why someone found this site and posted the link there was because, on the PPT, some of users always claimed that they had a 30-centimeter penis.
However, today, after having seen this, I think I would start to believe a guy with a 30-centimeter penis is not a rumor, but a turth.
I would never believe it… He is lucky, that he live in warm climate. 🙂
???? very NB
oooo cock
i’m longer
?????????????????(*^__^*) ??……
you said you were longer than that thing, so you mean you are a penis
Great Story… He’s something
poor girls, this guy will ‘hurt’ most of you . hahaha
Hahaha!!! Shocking~~ Nothing more to say…..
Pues si a él le gusta, me parece perfecto. Pedazo de genitales que tiene el pavo.
Peaso nabo tiene er viehho. Ma de una se le va a i detrá pa ve si lo cata ¿que no?.
Yo digo…¡¡Ole, los tio con arte!!
That was funny. Aurelm, i posted the link to my Facebook profile, hope you don’t mind ;
lo que es una verguenza es que la mayoria de los comentarios no estan en español siendo que “CATALUÑA” es parte de españa digais lo que digais
Nice Trunk:-)
Yo trabajo por la zona por donde pasea este hombre, y le he visto. Ese hombre no molesta a nadie y es libre de ir como le de la gana. Mientres no coerte la libertad de los demas, NO PROBLEM !!! Vive y deja vivir.
Celestain,….. de los comentarios de la gente arriba expuestos …. que sepas que no hay ninguno en catalán. IGNORANTE !!!
Que sepas que la mayoria de Catalanes, nos sentimos diferentes a los Españoles. Aceptalo, ademas a ti te da igual. Vive y deja vivir.
Catalonia is not spain!!!!!!!!!!Catalalonia is not spain…
haha no way as a I stumbled upon this I saw the first picture and didnt read the description of the site and I thought to myself that looks like that cazy naked tattooed guy I saw in
Barcelona about a month ago…sure enough no way hes like known! I was in shock when I saw this dude…but naked just walking around I was like no wayyyyy haha thats crazyyyy
Way to go on this guy. I haven’t the balls required to do that (actually I’m rather overtly modest), but honestly, what kind of society do we have today that we are so bloody frightened of the human body?
Good for you, old man from Barcelona. Psh on you, prudes from the internet.
Wow, I’m amazed. I don’t understand why people are so ashamed of the human body either, but still, I’m surprised that he wasn’t arrested or something. In the one shot there’s a policeman in the background who’s not even paying him any attention. I guess they must be used to it then? Well, kudos to the man because he obviously is a lot more comfortable in himself than most people, including me! And on a more crude note, he is pretty well-hung as well. Way to go gramps!
Damn.. That guy is sick.. He walks around semi erect or erect… Wtf does the police do?!? He’s a fucking exhibisionist! But I agree he has it above average. But anyways crazy fucktard.
You know, I might have said something bad about this guy, judged him or whatnot. But there’s something about the picture of him where he’s looking directly at the camera and smiling. Something I can’t place. That’s a beautiful picture. Props for getting it. I love it and he’s rad for it!
jajaja que bueno! un capo el viejo, sin lugar a dudas esta perfecto que ande así por la vida! tiene con que sentirse orgulloso además!
Sick dirty old man. Sick society and dirty govermment with no respect to its children and women. He should be in jail that some gay inmates can enjoy him. A man in his age should respect himself and others. This is not a joke that we can laugh at. This is a serious social issue. I do not want my children see such a dirty naked idiot.
You should stay in the states than, don’t come to Europe, your children are “safe” there. But you know what ? I bet there is no way you can logically back up what you are saying, and your extreme opinions are not better that ones that say women should wear a scarf on their faces. Furthermore, the fact that you even have the guts and pointless hate to punish nudism (and like I said, you are not able to prove that there is even a harm done), with fucking jail and jail rape makes you nothing more than an evil idiot. Prove me wrong with arguments that justify this hate and I will publicly apologize.
my long lost bro!
ummm… for some reason I am really curious what he is covering with his hat.
I bet his friends call him hoss!! (Or is that an elephant trunk?)
he would be arrested in the usa.
what a luck that i live in europe
Cripes, Tiger, repressed & uptight much? It’s a naked man walking around. He’s not beating it, he’s not rubbing it up against anybody, he’s not publicly urinating. He’s just walking down the street minding his own business & doing some shopping whilst naked. Nudity doesn’t always equal perversion. The human body isn’t “dirty” unless YOU choose to sexualize it & human sexuality is obviously “dirty” & “sick” to your narrow little mind. And way to say that a naked person innocently walking around is somehow LESS offensive than PRISON RAPE?! REPREHENSIBLE! The ONLY sick person here is *you*, Tiger!
Not everybody in the world is an idiot, not even in America. I say way to go grandpa! Let your freaky-dick flag fly!
*Oooops! I meant MORE offensive than PRISON RAPE. I got a little carried away there in my righteous indignation!
Doesn’t seem like he has a stiffy. Rather, it just bounces up and down when he walks — so it sometimes appears as though it’s sticking out. If you look at the photo with the tourist, it appears flacid. Very impressive for a grandpa.
Woooow what a tool. I bet most girls would do him. And pumped with silicone or not, that is one hell of a joyride.
Nudity aside – I think the photography is brilliant!! What an art you have for capturing people and places.
Silly humans. That’s what people look like with no clothes on. Big deal. I’m glad the dude does not live in the US. He would be arrested. There is nothing wrong with the human body. Some African villagers still have little clothing. American Indians wore little clothing. Nudity does not mean sex, it’s just our natural state. . Its all in the perspective. I get a laugh too but mostly at his dick that looks alive and like an elephant trunk. He might be the coolest dude you ever met? Who knows?
ezt a faszt!
That man is amazing…. I’d like to be him when I grow up.
Brilliant photojournalism of an extremely interesting subject! Amazingly enough, you managed to capture very artistic views of this man in a conventional environment. Would be fascinating to learn of this gentleman’s history and reasons for his ‘unique’ form of self-expression. Tiger, I believe you have much more serious problems that should be addressed by a therapist compared to this older gentleman who’s nudity shouldn’t be compared to perversion.
What a dick !
Thank you Manea, for your beautiful and striking photography. And well done for the amazingly broadening experience the debates (political, moral) your photos/blogs generate– however unplanned they are! Your response to Tiger is most appropriate. If anyone deserved a reprimand it was this person. The internet provides a freedom of speech we have never encountered before. And yes, that includes your freedom, Tiger. However there is a line we must draw – to do with respect. This man, walking around in his own country where there are no laws against nudity, is not reprehensible. Saying this man somehow deserves to be jail-raped for being comfortable in his own skin IS reprehensible. Perhaps it was just an emotional, knee-jerk reaction to what you saw. But have you thought about why you would react so violently? And further, the fact that this reaction (although not physical) may be fundamentally no different than the violent reactions the men residing in those jails could not control? I don’t mean to be personally offensive to you; just trying to point out that you may have taken things a little too far.
Respect costs you nothing, but earns you infinite amounts in return.
Haha, he is soooo high!
That has to be the most ugly cock in the world… Poor fellah
oooo que locoooo…:D
Hay ke tener coraje para salir asi a la calle…!
See you
I can’t believe these pictures but I like them at the same time. I am going to blog about this series and link/credit your site. OMG I can’t fathom the thought of a man walking around in the US but naked. Dude is hung like a horse and it looks weird just like him!
sa-l bage astia in inchisoare sa vedem daca mai sta in pula goala si acolo! mosneag senil…ma ingretoseaza oamenii astia
Sincer mie nu imi plac deloc copiii mici, nounascutii. Sunt murdari, urati, se pisa si se caca oriunde. Si ii vad peste tot, mame cu ei in brate, schimband scutecele alea jegoase. Ma vezi cumva ca ma plang de asta si as vrea sa fie inchisi pentru ca ma dezguzta ?
His penis isn’t very large. It looks on the larger end of the average range, but his skin above his balls and shaft has been stretched so that his penis hangs lower on his body. I wonder if he did that on purpose or that just happened to him naturally.
En Catalunya hay una normativa de la Generalitat la cual dice que en toda Catalunya esta permitido el nudismo porque es un derecho a la libertad individual, asi que puedes ir desnudo por cualquier lugar publico de Catalunya a no ser que lo prohiban expresamente como es el caso de grandes almacenes, restaurantes y tiendas de alimentacion en general
Arriba el nudismo y la libertad individual..
Salut companys!!!!
Nice, I think Freedom means that.
I felt something similar (walk around nude in the streets) in Puerto Mont, Chile; feel free and nobody has to be shocked.
Vaya,vaya con el machote ya le gustaría tener a más de uno ese miembro!!! Bien que hace el tio si quiere ir sin ropa a darse un paseito y así la gente puede recrearse con ese cuerpo…hay que animarse!!!
arrasou velho ticudão pra caralho. baita ganesh!
Ik vraag me af wat er in zijn zakske zit….
A friend sent me the link and I was so surprised at granddaddy walking about confidently in his birthday suit in public, showing his massive tool. Not a problem. I just got a little concerned that it appears he was having an erection at certain points, when small kids are around!! Just one question though, what does he do to avoid mosquito bites on his willy during summertime….??!!
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Imagen this with Lou Reeds – Walk on the wild side, it just makes perfect sense
omg this is some of the craziest shit i have ever seen and i am from NYC!!!
He looks beautiful to me.
OMG! I was in Barcelona in May and saw this dude walking down the beach with another naked guy. I didn’t realize he was well-known or of the status of urban myth. Cool!
Macar nenea se protejeaza de soare cu seapca aia!!
and thumbs up ca e fan FC.Barcelona!
en niet vergeten dar er veel rare mensen zijn op aarde! de meeste wonen in Spanje! ik wil daar ook wonen! ha
For the record, I’m from the states, and I think he’s wonderful. I think the world would be a much better place if we were all more comfortable in our own skins.
I love Barcelona, my incredible city…!! Even if politicians are triing from years ago to private us from the old liberty…. the souls of bcn citizens are free!! I do recognize the autenticity of this special man, he lives his own way… wow!!
Amazing fella he is! Definately a free soul among us restrained ones 😉
I’m scared by the seemingly increased amounts of people, who think that this rather well equipped man should go to jail because of their own dislike of a naked body.
Negative people aside, great pictures Aurelm! If I ever come to Barcelona I will try to catch this man myself, and perhaps enjoy this particular, sensible law as well. I hope women walk around naked there also.
Perhaps you could tidy the ????????? -posts from above to give more space for real people’s comments on nudity, and this guy’s legendary cock!
Maybe someone will reach my comment too then.
Keep up the good work – both of you!
To each their own. Personally, I’ve never understood why it’s socially acceptable in the U.S. for men to run about shirtless in public whereas women are expected to cower in a bathroom to breastfeed. I’d run around nekkid in a heartbeat if I wouldn’t get arrested for it (or sunburned…)
Define irony: the most (violent?) vocal opponents to public nudity hail from “the home of the free”.
I am very very shocked at his hot leg size…..
For the tourist or visitors to Barcelona, If you have been here for a weekend and never talk to a Barcelona’s native it’s possible you come back to your country and talk about “Barca” instead of Barcelona with your friends. You had to know it sounds so ridiculous for me, Barça its the footbal local team, not the city. Then if you try to sound cool just say Barna not Barca.
o !!!
I wish i had a chance to see this scene!
Barcelona, a funny ,mazing place!!!
Omg! I saw this man when I went on holiday to Barcelona a few years ago.
I only saw him from behind, my family took pictures too haha.
We saw police talking to him, but they weren’t being aggresive or telling him to put clothes on.
Wanted read post in in more detail description
I think it is great that he is able to walk around freely like he does.
People if you do not like like it do not try and preach your conservative-moralistic views to others but accept there are other views out there.
I guess he’s a remarkable person, free spirit.
Hope to come across him sometime when I’ll be in BCN.
This is a kind of person I’d like to shake hands with 🙂
I’m one of the odd balls in America who finds it to be RIDICULOUS to even have laws about nudity at all! In many places where it is not an issue, rape & molestation is far less of a problem than it is where public nudity is so shocking & condemned! In this case I think Grampa is a super cooool dude & I say GOOD FOR HIM for not having HANG UPS about such things, despite the fact that so many people still do. GET OVER IT! It’s just a PENIS, ALL MEN HAVE THEM! Most woman have seen them too & if not, WHY NOT???!!! The human body is a remarkable & beautiful creation… EVERYONE would benefit by being comfortable with that or AT LEAST just familiar enough to barely notice nudity. IF the body is being used to physically assault another person or even just touch them AGAINST their will, now THAT is absolutely unacceptable! OF COURSE! In a case like this, I’m far more disturbed by those who would be fearful & condemn him, just for being DIFFERENT then themselves! A quick glance is ONLY that! So why STARE RIGHT AT IT & then scowl at him? It’s sooo simple to just focus on SOMETHING ELSE, if you are so offended! Geeeez! At least he’s putting smiles on many peoples faces who are mentally stable enough to appreciate him for his uniqueness & bravery. Why should the healthy one’s be burdened with all the fearful control freaks unnecessary rules??? OK… I feel better now… Ahhhhh… GO GRAMPA! WOO HOO!!!!
It looks like he is getting turned on in one photo. He’s almost flying at full mast. Wonder who will be the lucky (or unlucky) lady?
The guy’s old and ugly, and so is his penis – no matter how big – it’s an ugly sight. But ok, if that’s what he needs – show off – let him.
To each his own. If he wants to walk naked, be it ! If you don’t like it, just turn away ! No one is forcing you to watch him. I think he has guts, to walk in public naked. I can never do it, even if you paid me a thousand bucks ! I have no objections. However, is is legal to walk naked in Barcelona ? Any part of Barcelona or just some areas ? Even now ? Wow ! That is something !!!
I am student in Cambridge University. Bunch of us are going to Barcelona end January 2010 for field trip. I notice that the post here are quite old
was wondering if this old man is still around ? We would love to see him and take some pix with him. Can anyone tell me of he’s still walking naked
the streets of Barcelona? Or the laws have changed ? Thanks
To Bradutz……………The word PIGMENT was probs used in relation to the guys tats
To melissa: Yes still going arround, law don’t changed and I wish don’t do it, that’s kind of cool coming from a city with such an opend mind no?
Problem is that is quite cold in Barcelona this days and it’s more dificult to saw them just going around.
Best areas to find them are: from the middle of Las Ramblaso, next to Arts Santa Monica (contemporany art,visit recomended) to La Barceloneta neigborhood (where he lives) If you can’t find them always can go to eat some “pescadito frito” (fried fish) at – Montferri (C/ Almirante Aixada in front of the beach, also recomended)
And if you find them note that he don’t like pictures…
omg!!such a big dick
A unique,shocking, chance encounter with how Spain makes certain allowances for their senile (or Alzheimer’s) citizenry.… holy fucking shite, man! ~ (•8-D
I wouldn’t mind a big trunk in my port…
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HOLY M*THER F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is really a very modern art of living
I have only one thing to say, i just want to say it very loud: GOOD FOR HIM!!!!!
Great that people can walk around how they want.
Its not about sex, its about being comfortable with yourself and this man clearly is that!!
Never been to Barcelona, but when i go and i will see him, i will admire him for the guts to walk nude and be comfortable with it.
I’m from the USA, Chicago to be specific, and think Tiger is an intolerant, ignorant cretin.
great walk/work!
wonder if there is any lady making some sort of such natural walk
MSN, Taipei
am student in Cambridge University.
Is IT really? It is a Crazy man!
I agree with you. It infuriates me also how people will say nothing about being horrible and violent and all the nastiness in the world. But just find someone that’s naked and that is the most disgusting thing they have ever seen and this person should be jailed/punished?
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I heard about this dude from a friend who encountered him in june. that is one ugly dick! how in the hell can this guy walk in the middle of barcelona, particularly when he has wood half the time? kudos to him for having a 10 inch crank but it sho” is nasty!
Not sure I’ve ever seen Ganesha represented that way…but I like it!
Foarte tari fotografiile:)). Mai rar situatii asa:))
pt mine nu mosul a fost interesant,ci reactiile oamenilor.cred ca asta a urmarit si fotograful 🙂 sa surprinda prima reactie naturala a unui om atunci cand vede ceva mai ciudat.in locul mosului putea fi si un….magar epilat 🙂
Foarte multe comentarii .. nu le-am citit pe toate, dar observ ca mai bine de 90% nu au putut observa decat ce avea personajul in cauza … In fine …
Altfel … un experiment interesant … “Pictorul” personajului plin de talent … tatuajele simpaticute …
Si cel mai sugestiv … reactiile “publicului” divers …
Bine ca doar un experiment, totusi … [Poate ar fi fost mai cu folos si o partenera pentru personajul “nostru”!!!]
Da deci ceva deosebit si extrafin.
Un mos exhibitionst isi arata pula pe strada, profitind de laxismul si toleranta unei societati inecate in imbuibare.
Imediat se gasesc o gramada de sofisticati sa aplaude pozele si personajul.
E de bon ton sa te arati sofisticat.
Nici unul nu-si pune intrebarea elementara: si de ce sunt obligati trecatorii sa vada o pula pe care poate unii nu doresc sa o vada?
De ce sunt obligati copiii sa vada pula mosului?
Asa ca Alice, Meg & comp, daca v-a placut asa de mult experimentul eu va propun o continuare.
Mergeti la Barcelona si luati-o in gura.
Atuncea sa vezi poze.
George, pentru ca intrebarea in sine e extrem de proasta. Pentru ca la fel as putea si eu sa intreb de ce oare merg pe strada si sunt obligat sa vad niste reclame de tot cacatul pe toate blocurile, pe toti stalpii. Mi se face scarba pana in maduva oaselor de ele. De ce nu isi pune nimeni intrebarea asta ?
mai am si eu o intrebare:personajul principat stie ca fotografiile sunt publicate pe siteul dumneavoastra?
Ma fratilor voi sunteti cu capu vaginul unei femei e de 7-10 cm credeti ca daca o aveti cat ala nu puteti excita o fata/femeie la fel ?
in rest faine si eu cred ca iese asa pe strada sa si-o mai bronzeze un pik :))
faine poze* ^^
Pingback: Nude in Barcelona – The Elephant Man « All Nudist
Well I have to say the guy is well hung. More power to him and the city of Barcelona.
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