A peculiar place
Like I said, Bulgaria has plenty of little jewels like this.Read More
That big hole in the ground
The cave can be found along an alternate road from Sofia to Bucharest and is way more impressive in real life. Why ? Well the photo’s don’t do it justice, but take a look at the man and that hut. The cave reaches 100m in height in some places and it’s one of the largest in Europe.
From the top it just looks like your regular hills covered with trees and grass. Until you make a wrong step .
One of the most spectacular places in Bulgaria.Read More
A little bit to the south
I may have mentioned some years ago ( back when I was little , my viewers were 100% Romanian and the purpose of the blog was more of impressing a certain beautiful girl), about what lays just beyond the Bulgarian border.Now years went by like summer storms, things have changed a lot but stayed the same and here we are again.
A rock’s throw away from the summer beach party center of Romania, Vama Veche, the sand turns into rocks , the water becomes clearer and gains color. Gone is the floating garbage, gone is the drunk crowd stepping on each other, gone all the people and all the cars. Perfect spot to enjoy a couple of days away from everyone and everything, to take a deep dive, do a bit of rock climbing or just enjoy a morning walk. All this still close enough to the party for those allergic to solitude.
To be continued… Some day.Read More
That place in time
Calm yourself, old boy. Breathe in. Breathe out. Find the reason. Remember. Retrace.
Follow your footsteps in the past. See them fade away, changing shape and pace as if they constantly belonged to someone else. They did. You died a long time ago, you have died many times and you’ve been reborn as many. You woke up today a stranger from the world and from yourself.Read More
After dusk
There is a place I know behind the Sun. It’s the place where we can start again.
One road that leads to it, paved with remains of today and the ashes of tomorrow . It’s my road alone to walk.Read More
Sony NEX-5
I’m gonna write a little “subjective review” regarding this little toy. Thing is I got tired of missing shots just because I cannot carry my camera with me. It’s just too big ! So I had to find myself a dslr-like camera with a large sensor and interchangeable lens. And only choice was between the nex-3 or 5 and a micro four thirds camera (but the sensor is too small for my taste). Here are a couple of shots made in the first day of tests using the 18-55 kit lens (until I will buy a prime). Anyway, first impressions are good.Read More
Zandvoort, sunset (1)
Near Amsterdam. One of the most beautiful sea views I have seen so far. The sunset reminded me of Iceland because it takes so long.Read More