Ashes to ashes
So the second day at the volcano (oh yeah, I have the habit of being non-coherent regarding date and posts order) I woke up in the car to a beautiful sunrise directly in the volcano cloud. The ground was shaking and I could hear the rumble of the mountain in the distance. The view was nothing short of amazing. Since the previous day I did get behind the mountain offroad and there was no lava or even steam coming from the crater I taught I’l follow the trail of ash that was heading south-east, towards the little town of Vik, 70km away. Vik is a beautiful town in the far south of the island that I have some photos from last time I was there (the ones with a black beach and big waves). Also a very nice place to try to spot the cute puffins that are so hard to find. And that was the plan to do when I get there, however things were a little differend from last time.Read More
Blowing some steam
Beneath this steaming ground lies the great ring of fire. There is boiling water coming out and the area is closed to public.Read More
First light
Yet another beautiful view of Catalunya, a little town called… uhm, I forgot :). But should be somewhere in the north-west of Barcelona.Read More
Good morning Catalunya
Well since I spent too much time in Barcelona I thought why not enjoy some catalan views ? Besides it’s a long time I caught the view of a sunrise from… well anywhere.
God bless car rentals.Read More
Besides the new layout and functionality, upon requests I added a wallpapers category that you can access from the top menu. You can download them for the most common screen resolutions and use them for non commercial purposes, without removing the watermark. Here are the first 3, from Iceland:Read More
Around Eyjafjallajökull
My flight got canceled yesterday. Maybe with all this talk about closing the airspace because of the volcanic ash cloud I should not have booked a flight that same day. So anyway, the name of the volcano kept ringing a bell. Then I realized that I have been there less than a year ago.Read More
The remains of a bright and happy future
If Stalker had a winter environment, this is probably how it would look like. These are remains of unfinished buildings from the communist era that cand be found in Zapaden Park (Western Park ) in Sofia. Most of what was left was stolen by gypsies and the rest is now just ruins, used as Garbage depositing places. Now that the first snow covered the whole city it makes an interesting view.
The park is otherwise very nice, wild, more like a forest. The lack of lighting makes it a really creepy to walk through during the night, but I have friends that have to go through it all the time coming back from work and say it’s safe. That is compared to our parks, like Tineretului where it might not be a good idea to venture.
Skogar waterfall
Yet again Iceland, I’m starting to get lost myself among the huge pile of photos that collected through time and most of them from the past have not even been published, but I’m doing my best 🙂
Also I fixed the characters settings on the blog so romanian and also chinese characters appear correctly now. Because it seems that THIS post started a real fuzz and some people are just not used to see nudity, find it offensive. I think it’s just funny to see people denying their own nature and brainwashed by modern false moral and unnatural uprising. And I find the guy from Barcelona rather funny, and when I’l see him again I will make sure I make a longer and more in depth series of photos.
Oh well, at least it made my blog well known 😀
Istanbul docks
I was kind of impressed with Istanbul, It’s so crowded and chaotic, like a huge market. I found it interesting that everywhere I went to buy something the people insisted on negotiating. So it was very strange when I walk into a hi-tech photo equipment shop the salesman started to negotiate with me for a (actualy very expensive) tripod that I eventually never bought.
But what shocked me in the worse kind of way was the fact that internet is censored there. I tried to acces a youtube link and this came onscreen .